Learned To Zoom Out From Day-To-Day Stresses , Increase Company Profitability & Establish His Own Work/Life Balance In Under 6 Months

“I feel like I have to keep up this… façade…”, Matt said.

Matt (name changed for privacy), CEO and co-founder of a fresh new startup came to me in burnout and confusion around nine months ago.


“I can’t even talk to my co-founder about it anymore, it feels like we just keep going around and around in circles, and I’m supposed to have it all together”, he said when asked how it feels.

The stress was evident as Matt described the lack of leadership accountability, his company burning cash, and he had even begun to question his own ability to stick through and not lose himself through the process.

It would be safe to say that Matt was standing on a precipice at this point in time and needed a comprehensive solution, or else…

He almost didn’t want to take the call because he had just tried having his umpteenth conversation with his co-founder about improvements they needed to make, which had cost him an accumulated 10+ hours of trying to get on the same page with his cofounder to no avail.


Everything he tried seemed to only increase his feeling of despair and further contributed to his burnout.


Communication training was the next desperate grasp at a solution, followed by reaching out to advisors and skimming the hottest book on succeeding as a startup founder. Each of which failed to address the root problem. Matt no longer felt confident or in alignment with himself and was pretty much about to surrender.

Luckily, Matt’s wife encouraged him to open himself to support and guidance just one more time…

So he found me, he told me everything that was weighing on him, and I just listened and took notes.

Once I’d identified what Matt needed I was confident I could help, and suggested we dive right into the work. This was an emergency and he knew it. The cost of INaction was far greater than the cost of action, so we immediately set about getting to the bottom of the fear, the challenges, and the very root of what was holding him back from his ambitions personally.


In that first session, Matt had a minor shift, but it was more than enough leverage for him to feel comfortable that we were heading in the right direction. By the following week, he had taken on his first effective step towards unifying his leadership team and worked out why his conversations with his co founder actually failed.

Matt realized that isolated conversations with his cofounder (who was experiencing his own burnout and challenges) doesn’t address the underlying need for a unified leadership team and that aligning each of the key team leads was needed to establish the foundation for the company to achieve rapid profitable growth.




By our third session Matt’s demeanor was calm, his excitement for the business had returned, and (surprisingly) Matt noted that he also felt less burdened at home while not working, which was a welcome byproduct of our sessions.


The stress around success, making money, and doubting himself had begun to lessen in his life.


Within a few short months of working together, Matt was systematically identifying challenges and achieving his goals and priorities one after the other, not because of me, but because my coaching model shows him how to consciously zoom out, face his fears, move past them, in order to reach his full capability – and all this at will.

Through the work we’d done, Matt realized he could:

✅ Accurately identify core challenges in business and life immediately (and what self doubt was holding him back as a bonus).

✅ Reliably employ a systematic approach to overcome stagnation and burnout.

✅ Look beyond the obstacles and ‘worst case scenarios’, and see his team and company functioning at a higher level than they could have previously imagined.

Matt has now transitioned from debilitating overwhelm to a newly acquired confidence in leadership, using his comprehensive understanding of how to identify, break down, and solve issues as they arise.

If Matt’s journey resonates at all with you and you’d like to tackle your businesses biggest challenges while creating work life balance for yourself, I am offering a limited number of 60-minute sessions next week to DIVE INTO YOUR MOST PRESSING challenges and goals, so let’s have a quick chat in person first and go from there.

Simply click the green button below and find a time in my calendar that suits for us to have a quick preliminary chat. No cost, no stress, just an ear to discuss helping you going forward.

I look forward to helping you take that first step toward turning apparently insurmountable obstacles into consistent, powerful catapults for your team and business going forward.



Noah Abelson-Gertler

Founder Coach